Rodney Creech | The Ohio House of Representatives
Rodney Creech | The Ohio House of Representatives
State Representatives Thomas Hall and Rodney Creech recently presented sponsor testimony to the House Education Committee regarding House Bill 125. The bill seeks to support Ohio students involved in 4-H and FFA programs by excusing absences resulting from their participation.
Under this proposed legislation, students from kindergarten through twelfth grade would be eligible for excused absences due to involvement in these programs. Representative Hall emphasized the educational benefits, stating, "The goal of our education system is to give our students lifelong skills that allow them to achieve success in the future. 4-H and FFA strive to provide students hands-on experience to achieve the exact same goal."
For a student’s absence to be excused, they must provide documentation confirming their participation. Schools will also be required to offer opportunities for students to make up any missed work. Representative Creech highlighted the importance of these programs, noting, "4-H and FFA are important programs for many students and play a critical role in developing the future of agriculture in Ohio."
However, school administrators retain the authority to deny requests if there are conflicts with state assessments or other specific circumstances.
House Bill 125 is currently awaiting further consideration by the House Education Committee.