Rodney Creech | The Ohio House of Representatives
Rodney Creech | The Ohio House of Representatives
State Representatives Rodney Creech and Angie King have reintroduced legislation from the 135th General Assembly in Columbus. The proposed bill seeks to allow registered voters to challenge a political party nominee's candidacy. Currently, the law restricts voters to challenge nominations only within their specified parties. The new legislation aims to enable any eligible voter to protest nominations, irrespective of their political affiliation.
"The ability to protest a primary candidate’s ineligibility to hold office shouldn’t be partisan," stated King. She elaborated that under the proposed House Bill 196, electors from any party could notify the Board of Elections of potential defects in a candidate's petition if their declaration and petitions do not meet the legal requirements. "It is disingenuous to both the candidate and voters to place a candidate on the ballot who is legally unable to serve. This simple, yet important legislation ensures voters have a meaningful choice of candidates."
Creech remarked, "This legislation will improve election integrity, ultimately strengthening voter confidence in Ohio’s election process."
The bill outlines several conditions under which any eligible voter can challenge a political party nominee: if the candidate is not a U.S. citizen, doesn't meet the minimum age requirements, would exceed term or age limits, has a criminal conviction, or omits their former name on necessary documentation for candidacy. The proposed legislation is awaiting a House committee assignment.