There were two professional licenses issued in Preble County in the week ending Sept. 16, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
The lowest price of midgrade gas in cities throughout Shelby County was found at one gas station in the week ending Oct. 28, according to
The House State and Local Government Committee has passed House Concurrent Resolution 7, a resolution that urges Congress to enact the Sunshine Uniformity Act of 2023, permanently transitioning the state to Daylight Saving Time. State Reps. Rodney Creech and Bob Peterson, sponsors of the resolution, made the announcement.According to Creech, the switch to daylight saving time would increase the hours of sunlight in the evenings year-round and could help combat some mental health issues caused by the darker winter evenings on standard time. He expressed gratitude for the...